The Problems Are Clear, The Solutions Are Here

When the negative outcomes of the globalized Corporatocracy are too far from sight, we can pretend they don’t exist and remain focused on what we seek, comfort and security. This provides a release of liability for all parties, including our own participation in the game of annihilation. Once these consequences impinge on our ability to be, it’s too late for the majority. The Time of Two Paths challenges us to hold multiple, seemingly paradoxical truths. Which way you go is up to you.

What systems do you depend on and support? Do you get your food at a grocery store? Do you need the grid to turn on the lights? Do your livelihoods and relationships depend on wifi? This should give you a clue as to where you stand, regardless of your beliefs, your life is in your own hands.  

We are firmly seated in the consequences of destructive profit-driven energy extraction practices. Increased pendulum swings of extreme events are here with promises of change. Covert weapons of mass destruction released, just a step in its game. Gene-therapy gets its foot in the door posing as the savior of its own doing. Vengeance boils in the hearts and minds of pawns turned players with powerful alliances. The storm rages around us as we ponder the legitimacy of perceptions and plausable intentions.

Those who have insulated and isolated themselves in sterile grey towers with stock-piles of grey food living in a grey world may make it through firmly secured in a genetically modified technological existence of complacent uniformity. The Great Reset plays out best without the messy dependency of its making. The determination that the population is to blame was made long ago by the algorithms of the institutions. People are cold hard numbers; commodified objects in a finite existence. This is the collective ignorance.  

It’s easy to proclaim a shared value of intelligence, but what is logic without intuition? What is life without quality? What is a mind which denies the essence of its very being? A tool. We use it, or it uses us until we’re no longer needed; the age of disposability.

Nature is complex and chaotic, humans can be complicated and controlling. Through conflict, we evolve, if we wish. Through ignorance, we spin through a revolving door, and in the case of the emerging greys, we devolve, forevermore. Our bodies are divinely designed vessels for existing in a reality that thrives in harmony. We make heaven on earth, or hell - it’s up to us.

My two cents: nobody is coming to save you from yourself or the reality in which you create or debate until the cows come home. The paths have surely split. Be your own guru and ask for some God-given discernment. Make your move, karma is opportunity.  

Developing Discernment in the Time of Two Paths

The manifestations in our external reality are a direct reflection of our internal state of awareness, and use of power. As within, so without. This core understanding, reflected in the laws of physics, is new to recent civilizations, but has been well known and taught in Indigenous cultures around the world for eons. The nurturing of will, love, and intelligence through the practice of service, study, and meditation are the pillars of illumined paths. Through opportunity, or karma, we take empowered action towards evolution. Through ignorance, we surrender our will to destructive forces as creating creators of creation.


Pollution plays a center-stage role in my every day. I am a direct driver of our species’ globalized methods of finite resource extraction, production, and distribution. I actively participate in our deplorable consumption habits. I fill my car’s tank with gasoline that was won in designed wars, I wear shoes made by enslaved sweat-shop workers, I buy factory farmed foods wrapped in plastics, seeded with genetic modification and sprayed with petro-chemicals. My ability and desire to look the other way waned over time as my awareness of collapse grew. Mitigation seemed the only option. I switched to driving a fuel-efficient motorcycle, I shop for second-hand clothing at thrift stores, and I stretch my budget to only buy organic, and still, I cannot avoid the fact that I am a force of destruction to our source of life; our Great Mother Earth.


Oil spills and poisonous chemicals in her soil and our food, plastics in her rivers and our blood streams, smog in her skies and our lungs. Heart disease, cancer, and neurological disorders infect the masses as big agricultures’ profits skyrocket. The coral reef is on the brink of fading into a memory, and the amazon rainforest is rapidly disappearing as big oil’s profits remain intact. Extreme weather events become more frequent and intense, as our minds grasp to process: what is happening? Our mental health pendulum swings from depression to anxiety. Drug addiction and suicide rates soar as big pharma makes more money pushing pills to help us numb out of reality. Massive migrations of starved refugees wither from wars devised to maintain power over the domain of resources, as the weapons industry makes billions in gains.


The concepts of reduction and sustainability became ridiculous as I realized our current state needs something so much more than mere maintenance if the adults in the room are to give future generations a fighting chance at existence. The observable and measurable results from our way of being are pointing at a cliff nearing ever so rapidly. Who will pull the breaks to a screeching halt and turn this train wreck around? What will it take? Will the leaders who create the policies and norms of behavior instigate vast change? Do we have the resources to blaze another way?


Humans are arguably the smartest species on this planet. We send rockets to space and replace beating hearts, we build sky scrapers and cure disease, we create symphonies of majestic music and harness the power of the sun to provide energy. In the face of immense ability and potential, why do we continue to act as our own greatest enemy? Are we so lulled into complacency that we are willing to dig our own graves for a minimum wage? Have we become distracted in chasing sensory illusions that we did not notice the storm clouds looming above? Some say if humans are so easily hypnotized and conditioned by the marketing strategies of corporate conglomerates, then perhaps they are not intended to remain as the care-takers of this remarkable planet.


The act of governance has long been the understanding that we as a people want policies, laws, and regulations to protect what we value; the essential elements needed to sustain life on Earth. The safety and freedoms of the individual and the commons is held in high regard when agreements are fashioned. The foundations of a healthy and happy society include things such as clean water, nutritious food, quality education, free speech, suitable shelter, medical care, protection from natural threats such as fire and flood, and lower evolved human threats such as violence and negligence. The design of these systems of governance would be funded by collective taxation based on ability to pay, and through the contributions of sweat equity. In theory, meeting these basic needs would be the groundwork for a thriving society which would generate the opportunities for individual and collective innovation resulting in quality and abundance for all, while respecting the free will of the individual to excel as wise leaders, strong builders, keen providers, creative inventors, loving healers, intelligent teachers, and courageous warriors. This vision organically rewards the merits of those who amplify motivation to strive, while meeting standards of dignity for the meager and elderly. All life is respected, all contributions to the whole are expected, all celebrate in the fruits of their labors, and all conflicts are resolved through harmony with the goal to restore relationships.


These chief concepts around the creation of public affairs is understood by the masses in ideological terms, yet seldom seen in reality. It can be argued that these foundations were never truly implemented, but presented as a guise to amplify pride for countries built and maintained on the backs of global slaves. It is clear to see the prevalence of systems that incentivize predatory and parasitic behaviors. The politicians who are paid handsomely to serve the public interests are sacrificing the health and safety of the masses to serve the endless profits of corporations and wall street. Regulatory agencies were initiated, in large part by one man’s mission, to protect consumers from lower-evolved corporate entities whose aim is not to contribute to the sanctity of the whole, but to serve their own monetary gains. These agencies have been openly allowing toxins into our waters, food, soil, and air at the price of agreed penalties, and the cost of life itself. The imposed fees are but a drop in the bucket for the destroyers compared to the profits gained from dismissing the needs of our Great Mother Earth and all her children.


What we have here is a classic yet epically scaled case of manipulation and gas lighting. As a social worker trained to assess ones level of vulnerability and self-awareness, I can confidently propose that the global masses are suffering in an abusive relationship with their corrupt and morally bankrupt governments. The level of willful ignorance in the face of transparent capture in exchange for the illusion of security is at an all-time high. The justifiable fears of civilization collapse which are inflamed by aggressors, are increasing the wide-scaled focus on seeking a false sense security within the illusions of sensory perception. This is the point of vulnerability which is the target of master hypnotists and marketing strategists alike; the manipulation of free will.


When an abuser is called out for an infraction, and they want to avoid taking responsibility, they pre-emptively accuse the accuser of the accusation in order to deflect attention from themselves onto the other. For example, if it were suggested that Monsanto is responsible for poisoning the earth, a counter argument prevails that the population at large wants cheap, fast, and vast quantities of low-quality foods. Therefore, the demand forces the industry to utilize destructive agricultural practices, justifying the production and distribution of toxins to the masses. To question the conditioned collective psyche or the external environments honed by unfettered capitalism, or the morality of the marketing strategies which aim to capture sense-driven citizens into complacency is reduced to the weakness of the individual. The application of psychological acrobatics by psychopathic corporations and governments shifts absolute liability to the consumer, while raising the perception of the perpetrator as the clever provider.


The brave souls who remove their comfortable blindfolds are beginning to understand the outcomes of humanities destructive extraction, production, and consumption habits resulting in the greatest injustice our species has ever seen; its own demise, not to mention the insurmountable harm to our environment and the annihilation of countless other species. It is easy to see the system of greed that exploits the resources of this beautiful planet and the labors of its people. It is simple to understand the relationship between banks, corporations and governments that generate the policies which determine our trajectory; the corporatocracy. The difficult part of change is taking responsibility, both individually and collectively.


The shadows that dwell in humanity as a whole, are the same that dwell in the individual soul. Seeing the shadows that lurk within is to know your will to do evil, and then choose not to; not in obedience, not for fear of punishment in this life or the mysterious beyond, not to buy or earn ones worthiness, or obtain an egoic status, but because one feels their will to love intelligently. Beneath our ignorance, deep inside the soil of our existence is the light of consciousness nestled inside a seed. An innate thirst for the waters of wisdom will emerge, bringing us towards the love of the warming sun, when we choose to be free.


Critical thinking requires knowing that you do not know and letting go of beliefs. Observation of ones thoughts, feelings, and actions allows you to see yourself not as a mere object; a divine personality in form, but the divine, the subject of infinite existence consciousness, in action. We are the singular drop of water within collective waves, and the entirety of the ocean! What we put our attention to and bring forth into action, and the extent of our ability to do so, determines our reality. 


Feeling a sense of honor in taking on individual responsibility to serve the needs of one’s community, and not simply fulfilling the individual needs and desires is imperative for a collective shift in the view from the part to the whole. It is also true that this standard of vision must be expected of existing collectives as the key for a swift pivot. Norms of modality are rapidly created from consumer demand and can be re-aligned to benefit humanity and our Great Mother Earth. If the opportunity is embraced, anything is possible.