Stories shape our reality. They carry the memories that inform our behaviors and beliefs. They hold the power to initiate a whole new way of being, but they can also trap us in states of depression and anxiety. Mental illness is on the rise. Many find themselves stuck in a loop that keeps us in a pattern of self-destruction through labeling, medicating, and escaping. Societal norms tend to reinforce these delusions of self-limitations. Realizing the shadows that linger in the individual soul is the first step towards releasing the shadows that dwell in humanity as a whole. It takes courage to dig deep; to gaze into the darkness knowing that living in a surveillance state means, quite literally, the darkness stares right back at you. Recognition is the aim. Let us take a moment to examine our collective story with open eyes, hearts, and most importantly, our intutitve minds in tact.

Trauma is not uncommon. Every human on Earth has been exposed to traumatic events to varying degrees. The pandemic of 2020 unleashed a cascade effect of irrational, anti-social behaviors which were raised to an unnatural state of fear-driven superiority. Uncertainty in the external reality fueled insecurities in individual and collective internal realities. For some, this resulted in a grasping to conclusions as to what right actions they and others should take. Captured media and medical experts delivered directives that appeared rational to many on the surface, but severely lacked in evidence-based justification. A considerable number of people were able to pause and ponder plausible criminal intentions of culpable players in the unusual series of events unfolding. Where did the virus originate? Which entities create super-human pathogens and why? These questions were immediately suppressed by captured controllers and condemned as conspiracy. We now understand the active roles that numerous leaders took to cover the tracks of the virus’ path. We now see the hidden enemy came from within the systems of authority. The next reasonable question is, did the virus escape the lab on accident or was it part of a strategy? What are the possible motives? Who benefited from the pandemic and in what ways? All of these questions are enough to drive a person insane. However, courage is not required without the presence of fear. Can we maintain our equal librium and examine these facts in a calm, mature manner? Can we hold those who are dodging responsibility accountable?

The traumatic experiences we are enduring through the covid craze has exposed two paths; one of empathy, community, liberation and clarity, and the other of oppression, separation, tyranny and confusion. We now know that our trust was betrayed by leaders who vowed to have our best interests at heart and in mind. They abused their positions of authority to increase our vulnerabilities to profit-driven industries who have been benefiting from our physical, mental, and emotional illness for a significant amount of time. Covid sped up their destructive ways towards a rapid devolution. Corporate marketing strategies depend on the creation of addictions to unhealthy patterns. Cancer, obesity, and heart disease are not accidental subsequent outcomes, they are key factors in monopolistic marketing strategies who aim to create dependency. The designers and benefactors of the game of annihilation appear to assume they deserve to remain in positions of increased authority. What say you?

The false Gods of Hollywood and Wall Street are falling. The masses are no longer worshiping the glamours, seeing the glaze of corn syrup haze dripping down the noses of the elites. Inauthenticity is an outcome of not knowing the self. When one denies the very existence of the soul, they cling to the personality, the ego. We are so much more than the roles we play. We are infinite, absolute, eternal LOVE. Together, we can stop the insanity, build communities of plenty, and thrive in PEACE and HARMONY.